Fire Restoration Phoenix
While the occurrence of house fires has gone down in recent years, most people will still experience one of these at least once in their lifetime. Fortunately for most, these are small and easily managed with the use of a household fire extinguisher. If you’ve experienced something like this in your Phoenix home, don’t assume the damage is easily managed. Below are the signs that fire restoration service is the best route for your property.
1. Stains on Your Walls
Have you noticed gray or black stains on your walls in the days after the fire? These are very likely smoke spots that need to be addressed right away. Proper cleaning is necessary to remove the smoke particles from the wall. However, in certain situations, the material may need to be replaced.
2. Rusting
A few days after a fire is put out, metal hardware that was in the path of the flames may begin to rust. This can be dangerous for hardware you rely on to keep a functioning home, which is why restoration is so important. These damaged materials can be replaced and the area can be properly cleaned to ensure rusting is minimized.
3. The Air is Cloudy
You’ve opened windows and turned on fans but cloudiness still remains after a fire. Don’t wait for this to go away over time, as this cloudiness is likely caused by chemicals released from the fire. Unfortunately, these can be dangerous to breathe in. When you call in a restoration company to help, they’ll deeply clean the area impacted by the fire to ensure the air is cleaner and safe to breathe once again.
4. The Smoke Smell Never Leaves
Even if you’ve attempted to clean up your home after a fire, the smell of smoke can remain for quite some time. What many homeowners don’t know is that smoke is very easily absorbed into many materials all throughout the home as it spreads. To make sure it’s properly removed, a professional is the resource you’ll need to call.
Our Fire Restoration technicians will do a full inspection of the home to determine areas that need to be cleaned or restored to remove the smoke. Once finished, you will be able to breathe again without the dangers of smoke lingering in the air.
At Rocky Mountain Restoration, we’re here to help with water, mold, and fire damage restoration. Call us any time and we’ll be there to walk you through the situation so you can get your house back. We would be happy to provide a quote on Fire Restoration services